Games Workshop’s New Releases: REVEALED

By Rob Baer | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Games Workshop, Uncategorized

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This week’s new releases are Blood Bowl, Blood Bowl, and more Blood Bowl! Come take a look at what’s on GW for pre-order!

The Underworld Creepers $95



An unlikely combination of Skaven and Goblins this team is famous for dirty tricks and dastardly tactics. Their ambitions are big, and their plans often backfire, but the fans love ‘em. And when all is said and done that’s what counts, right?


Field this team for yourself with this bundle! You’ll receive the Skavenblight Scramblers, the Scarcrag Snivellers and a Blood Bowl Troll – these 25 miniatures give you everything you need to field a set of Underworld Denizens, along with some spares should you wish to do a little conversion to represent the mutations that are possible (indeed, likely!)

Da Deff Skwadd $75



Formerly a small club in a minor league, Da Deff Skwadd decided to simply have a go at the big time – and eventually managed it. They’ve received some proper kickings, but what didn’t kill them (or at least didn’t kill all of them) made them stronger!


Field Da Deff Skwadd for yourself with this bundle! You’ll receive an Orc Blood Bowl Team, a Blood Bowl Troll and a box of Blood Bowl Goblins. You’ll be ready to play in no time.

Death Zone Rules Collection $57



Collecting together both seasons of the Death Zone rules supplements for Blood Bowl, this is an excellent way to get yourself bang up to date with all the expansions and enhancements available.


From new teams, Star Players, rules for referees, stadiums and tons of background content to coaches, Hall of Fame entries, Exhibition Play rules and the official word on running tournaments, it’s all here.


Simply pick up these two books, and away you go.

Lizardmen Blood Bowl Team $54




If Blood Bowl historians are to be believed, Lizardmen have been playing the sport for over 8,000 years. This does seem a little hard to believe, especially as that would mean they were playing it centuries before an Orc called Mungk sat down for a rest and discovered a certain silver dome. But, whenever this comes up the historians just nod smugly, peer over their spectacles and say that this just goes to show how prescient Lizardmen are. Whatever the story behind their involvement in the sport, they’ve definitely made an impact! Skinks are the most numerous players, highly agile and as quick as lightning. They are balanced out by Saurus, lesser in number and not as fast, but capable of dishing out some serious punishment. Then there are the Kroxigor, reptilian monstrosities capable of felling an Ogre with a single blow.

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the Lizardmen. It contains 12 metal miniatures, and includes 4 Saurus warriors and 8 skinks.

Supplied with 12 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available as a free PDF download in the tab on the right.

Necromantic Horror Blood Bowl Team $54




The dead do not rest easy. From haunted castles to sinister forests, undead creatures prowl the night and snatch unwary villagers from their beds. Well, some of them do. For the rest, there’s Blood Bowl! Many Necromancers, proficient at corpse-raising and flesh-crafting but lacking a real plan for how best to use their skills, realise that warm dugouts are a lovely alternative to musty tombs and dank barrows, and therefore decide to assemble a team of players (quite literally). Interestingly, a schism of sorts seems to have occurred, leading to two competing philosophies when it comes to raising an Undead team. Some Necromancers put their trust in the ancient dead, raising skeletons from mass graves and drawing lurching Mummies from their tombs to wreak havoc on opposing teams. Other Necromancers prefer a little more life in their team, buying the services of Werewolves with promises of fresh meat and stitching together hulking Flesh Golems from an assortment of cadavers.

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the Necromantic Horrors. It contains 12 metal miniatures, and includes 2 wights, 2 ghouls, 6 zombies, 1 flesh golem and 1 werewolf.

Supplied with 12 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available as a free PDF download in the tab on the right.

Shambling Undead Blood Bowl Team $54MadetoOrderShamblingTeam01



The dead do not rest easy. From haunted castles to sinister forests, undead creatures prowl the night and snatch unwary villagers from their beds. Well, some of them do. For the rest, there’s Blood Bowl! Many Necromancers realise that warm dugouts are a lovely alternative to musty tombs and dank barrows, and therefore decide to assemble a team of players (quite literally). Some Necromancers put their trust in the ancient dead, raising skeletons from mass graves and drawing lurching Mummies from their tombs to wreak havoc on opposing teams. Other Necromancers prefer a little more life in their team, buying the services of Werewolves with promises of fresh meat and stitching together hulking Flesh Golems from an assortment of cadavers.

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the shambling Undead. It contains 12 metal miniatures, and includes 2 mummies, 2 wights, 2 ghouls, 3 zombies and 3 skeletons.

Supplied with 12 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available as a free PDF download in the tab on the right.

High Elf Blood Bowl Team $54




Graceful and stylish, High Elf Blood Bowl teams are known for their complex passing plays, and their smug smiles they display whilst running ring around their opponents. The problem is that they’re quite brittle – if a determined opponent catches up with them, their game is often interrupted by a gristly snapping noise…

This is a Blood Bowl team representing the High Elves. It contains 12 metal miniatures, and includes 2 dragon warriors, 2 lion warriors, 1 thrower and 7 linemen.

Supplied with 12 25mm slotted round bases. Blood Bowl rules for this team are available in Death Zone Season 1.

The Scarcrag Snivellers $35



The Scarcrag Snivellers made a decision a long time ago to make an attempt at playing Blood Bowl without all the sneaky tricks employed by most Goblin teams. Eleven Goblins line up at the start of the match – no Trolls, no Secret Weapons – and do their very best to last at least a couple of drives before they’re stomped into the ground. Bizarrely, this doesn’t always end as badly for them as it probably should, and somehow the Scarcrag Snivellers seem to make it from season to season without being utterly wiped out…


Pick up a Goblin team for your games of Blood Bowl with this set of plastic miniatures. In it, you’ll find 12 multi-part Goblins, featuring 6 pairs of unique bodies and 7 pairs of unique heads, meaning no two Goblin teams need look alike! There are also 6 Goblin team balls, featuring the kind of dirty tricks the Scarcrag Snivellers frown upon – 2 deflated, 2 with Goblins stuck in them and 2 stuffed with dynamite – 2 turn counters and 2 double-sided team tokens.


The 54-component kit is supplied with 12 32mm Blood Bowl bases and a 1,000,000 gold piece roster, including 8 (eight!) team re-rolls and Fan Factor 4!

Rules for Goblin teams can be found in Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two.

Blood Bowl Kroxigor $32




Fielded in Lizardmen teams, the Kroxigor are reptilian monstrosities capable of felling an Ogre with a single blow.

This metal miniature is to be added to Lizardmen Blood Bowl teams. He comes as 5 components with a 40mm round base. Blood Bowl rules for this miniature are available as a free PDF download in the tab on the right.

Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two $32



Greetings, sports fans, and welcome to a smashing new season of Blood Bowl! In this 80-page softback book, you’ll find a host of new content with which to expand and enhance your games – new rules, new teams, new Star Players, new Hall of Fame entries – there’s a lot of new stuff to get your teeth into.


In the book

In Blood Bowl Death Zone Season Two you’ll find:

– New teams! Included are rules for Underworld Denizens, Goblins and Chaos Renegades
– 12 Star Players – Dwarf, Skaven, Dark Elf, High Elf, Wood Elf, Amazon, Human, Halfling, Lizardmen, Vampire, Goblin, Chaos Renegade and Norse teams are covered – with background, new artwork and rules for use in games;
– New optional rules! Do you want to keep a Star Player in your team for a while? Now you can have them stick around for a much-needed boost. Running short on gold? Sponsorship deals can help out, if you don’t mind swallowing your pride and shilling McNurty’s Burger Emporium. Looking for a stadium residency? Make enough gold and you can buy your own!


– Rules for well-known referees and coaching staff, with their own quirks and specialities, and rules for different stadium and pitch types;
– History and team rosters for 6 new Hall of Fame entries – The Warpfire Wanderers, The Greenboyz, The Grudgebearers, The Celestial Comets, Chaos All-Stars and The Underworld Creepers;
– The Official Blood Bowl reference guide – an up-to-date summary of available teams, and a Skills Update featuring some corrections, clarifications and new skills following feedback from the Blood Bowl community;
– A ton of all-new background content detailing key teams, players and events in the history of Blood Bowl; facts and figures that every fan needs to know.

This week was all about Blood Bowl! Be sure to head over to Games Workshop and pick up these new releases.