Get Sixth Edition For Sixty Dollars

By Rob Baer | August 1st, 2012 | Categories: Uncategorized

Sixth Edition is here, do you have your copy yet?

We have the new Sixth Eidtion book in stock and ready to ship, along with the Psyhic Cards, Tape Measure, and new templates!

The book has a suggested retail of $74.25 BUT you can get it from us for 20% OFF HERE.

Don’t forget, we sell all Games Workshop items at 20% OFF everyday, as well over 5,000 other gaming items, and bits! Click HERE to browse our complete Games Workshop Catalog!

Plus, we have one shipping rate to all of the US on orders under $100, and reduced shipping for overseas customers, as well as a special rate for shipping to Canada!

Give us a call on our order hotline and enjoy service and support that are second to none.

Order Hotline: (804) 464-1873

Don’t forget, we’re giving away two copies of the rulebook this month, so be sure to check that out for your chance to get one for FREE! 

In the mean time checkout my Sixth Edition Rules and Meta musings below.