Get Yo Mega Mat On! Frontline Gaming and TableWar Gaming Mats! (Funded already!)

By Reece Robbins | November 28th, 2013 | Categories: Uncategorized
‘Grassy Plains’ MegaMat™ Models shown for demonstration purposes only.

Take your tabletop game to the next level of immersion with the Frontline Gaming and Tablewar Gaming Mat, the Mega Mat!

First of all, a huge thanks to Rob for offering to let us pimp the Mega Mat on his page! Thank you sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar!

So, what the heck is the Mega Mat?

The Mega Mats; a series of themed, full color 4’x6’ (and 4×4’ with stretch goals) tabletop gaming mats that don’t crease and resist stains, ready to play out of the box. The first two Mega Mat design prototypes–Grassy Plains and Blast Zone–are done and in our hands! We have plans to unlock Urban, Snow, and Desert themed Mega Mat designs in 4×6′ and 4×4′ sizes with stretch goals!

Where can you get more information about it? Check out our KickStarter and support it if you deem it worthy!

‘Blast Zone’ Mega Mat Models shown for demonstration purposes only.

In a nutshell, this is an easy to use and very high quality mat! If you pledge and purchase a Mega Mat you get a mat of your choice in any of the unlocked designs with domestic (USA) shipping included! Each additional Mega Mat is cheaper, too!

‘Grassy Plains’ Mega Mat Models shown for demonstration purposes only.

‘Blast Zone’ Mega Mat Models shown for demonstration purposes only.
We also have a number of additional designs to be unlocked with stretch goals! The KickStarter is running hot so we think we will hit them! 

We want to unlock 4’x4′ versions, too!
Thank you for taking the time to read this and check out the KickStarter for more detailed information if you are interested! 
Lastly, I will leave you with a Video Battle Report featuring Star Craft 2 Pro, InControl on the Mega Mat so you can see it in action!