Got Flyers? New Models are Here!

By Rob Baer | June 14th, 2012 | Categories: Uncategorized

That’s right! Some of the most anticipated 40k models ever are now here.

In stock and ready to ship are the Space Marine Stormtalon, Necron Doom / Night Scythe, and Ork Bommer kit.

Order now to get in on the first shipments going out!

Don’t forget, we sell all Games Workshop items at 20% OFF everyday, as well as FINECAST models, and bits!

Best of all, we have one shipping rate to all of the US, and reduced shipping for overseas customers, as well as a special rate for shipping to Canada!

For a list of available models we sell, both normal box sets, and Finecast Models, please email us.

Give us a call on our order hotline and enjoy service and support that are second to none.

Order Hotline: (804) 464-1873