GW Previews All-New Sons of Behemat Models!

yohan behement previewThey’re here finally! GW revealed what they called Mega Gargant scale new Sons of Behemat models. Check out the latest from their online preview 3!

The Third installment of GW Previews are here! Rescheduled and expanded due to the cancelation of Adepticon, Games Workshop is revealing their latest news and previews on Twitch and Warhammer Community today!

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Sure, we’ve seen a few models here and there over the past weeks, however here’s the latest reveal on the Sons of Behemat Giants!

GW Previews All-New Sons of Behemat Models!

sons of behemat new The Sons of Behemat aren’t hiding any longer. Warhammer Community revealed these huge chonky bois and the best part is that they’re all a part of one kit. You can also bring these guys as a part of any faction. Since Gargants really only care about food or ale, they can be bought by armies that are in need of a little bit of bashing power.

sons of behemat new 2


sons of behemat new 3This is Warhammer’s biggest plastic monster yet… it towers over a regular gargant and easily stares Archaon and his three-headed mount in their many faces. It’s festooned with details that mark it as a creature of the Mortal Realms, including trinkets from across the various factions and bits of monster – presumably to snack on after battle.

sons of behemat scaleLooking at the scale, the new Sons of Behemat look to be standing in between the Aleguzzler Gargant and the Bonegrinder Gargant.

The Kraken-Eater

sons of behemat kraken eaterTaking on a nautical theme, the Kraken-Eater has a bat made out of old cannon bits and a net full of fish (and fishermen).

The Warstomper

sons of behemat war stomperThis dude has made armor out of a growing collection of tattered flags of fallen enemies. Grabbing shields and banners where he could, he’s a walking monument of unlucky armies. Check out how he’s used some armor plates as a bandaid on his forehead.

The Gatebreaker

sons of behemat gatebreakerThe Gatebreaker has an executioner kind of vibe with bits and pieces of some castle rubble for armor. Also, he’s got a VERY unlucky person in his right hand.

For fans of Giants, this is definitely an exciting release on the way. These could be the Knight-equivalent model from 40k in Age of Sigmar. While AoS has historically favored horde armies, it’ll be interesting if these guys have some rules that will help balance the scales.

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What do you think about the new models for AoS? Will you be playing an all-Gargant army? Or will you just be hiring one and theming it around your current army?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!