GW REVEALS – Mighty Heroes & New WD #121

By Rob Baer | May 23rd, 2016 | Categories: Uncategorized


Are the new Chaos models any good?  Come see the new rules and Mighty Heroes expansion for Warhammer Quest Silver Tower in White Dwarf #121.

This week’s White Dwarf is once again totally devoted to the new Silver Tower Game, with a new rules for the Chaos models and another paint splatter article for the Chaos faction to boot!

Overall it looks like a fun RPG type game that you can play with up to 4 friends in about 2-3 hours, that is you know, after you paint all the miniatures!

But honestly besides the new rules for the Plague Champion, you can get all the Warscrolls for these models for free from GW as a download now, so over all this is a pretty lackluster issue all of a sudden.

White Dwarf 121 $4

white dwarf #121

New heroes arrive to take on the Gaunt Summoner’s insane trial in the Silver Tower this week. White Dwarf 121 has the lowdown on the Mighty Heroes box set – who’s in it, what can they do, will they win? Find out by picking up a copy.

There are full stage-by-stage painting guides for the Excelsior Warpriest and Kairic Acolytes in a fabulous Paint Splatter, a look behind the scenes at the making of Warhammer Quest, pull-out rules for the denizens of the Silver Tower and – and – exclusive rules allowing you to use a Nurgle Lord of Plagues in the game, plus the usual comment, opinion and reaction from The Week In White Dwarf.

It’s an issue you really don’t want to miss.

New Chaos Rules – Warhammer Quest WD #121


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