GW Reveals New Aeronautica Imperialis & Necromunda

By Guest Author | November 8th, 2021 | Categories: Uncategorized

New-previews-necrons-aeronautica-imerialisGW just revealed new releases for Necrons in Aeronautica Imperialis and a new Khimerix a beast for House Escher in Necromunda.

So two new releases can get added to the ever-growing Warhammer watch list. First, Necrons are finally joining the fight for air superiority in Aeronautica Imperialis. Second, House Escher has done it again with a melting pot of beasts forming the devastating Khimerix.

Aeronautica Imperialis Necrons Night Scythe & Night Shroud Bomber

Aeronautica Imperialis

Warhammer Community unveiled the new minis, but very little on what to expect with the release in general. So we’re not sure if it will be a stand-alone release or coming as part of a new expansion campaign.

Necron Aeronautica

Either way, let’s check out the new models!

Necron Aeronautica model

Yes, the Necrons are coming to Aeronautica Imperialis, and while their ships may look like croissants, they’re not just here for breakfast. Flying into enemy territory first is the Night Scythe. Just like its Warhammer 40,000 counterpart, it’s armed with a pair of tesla destructors and can be used to transport troops deep behind enemy lines.*

If you’d rather do away with that transport capacity,** you can alternatively add a heavy death ray and upgrade your ship into a Doom Scythe. And who doesn’t love a death ray?!

Looks like the Necrons new kit makes both a Doom Scythe and the traditional Night Scythe version as well in Aeronautica Imperialis!

Night Shroud Bomber

Aeronautica Imperialis necron

It’s not just fighters that the Necrons are bringing to the party though, they’re also sending in the Night Shroud bomber. It’s faster than a Phoenix Bomber, and while it’s not quite as manoeuvrable, it does allow you to drop death spheres on your enemy’s emplacements.

GW has shown a lot of previews recently and with Aeronautica Imperialis not seeing any spotlight, speculation had started that this game system perhaps was on the way out. Well, that is not the case for now at least, as GW has revealed the first of the new minis for AI.

With Necrons taking flight with two new ships, it’s sure to ramp up interest in Aeronautica Imperialis again!

Necromunda House Escher Khimerx:Escher Banner

Also revealed on Warhammer Community is the Khimerix, a part lizard-cat model that’s an upcoming new release for House Escher in Necromunda.

We’ve already seen several of the strange creatures that House Escher unleashes in the dark corners of the underhive with their Phelynx* and Phyrr Cats. Now they’re preparing their most deadly creation – the Khimerix.

House Escher do a roaring trade in exotic pets bought both from the noble houses of Necromunda and off-world, but they’re also known to gene-splice their own phantasmagoric creations. These creatures are usually sold to the gladitoria, where they prove very popular.

Escher exotic pet

With six limbs and deadly claws, this creature is sure to strike fear across the board!

Escher crushing blow

The new model looks great, but how does it fare on the tabletop? Well, do you think those claws look dangerous? You’re right, and they’re even more devastating when you unleash a crushing blow.

Two sets of great-looking previews from GW for their specialist games ranges. No word on when to expect them, but generally fully revealed models go on sale within 90 days or so.

Be sure to stay up to date on all the previews and new releases below!

All the Newest GW Model Previews For November & Beyond

Will you be picking up the new Necrons in Aeronautica Imperialis, or the new Necromunda House Escher Khimerx? 

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