GW Reveals New Primaris Rules: Incursors, Eliminators & Infiltrators

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It’s a new Primaris rules tidal wave! Don’t miss all the new previews for the Primaris Incursors, Eliminators & Infiltrators squads!

Warhammer Community dropped more spicy previews today on all the new Infantry squads that will be coming soon to a store near you.

We already know Crimson Fists, Black Templars, Imperial Fists, Salamanders, Iron Hands, Ultramarines, White Scars, and Raven Guard are all getting a rules buff to their Chapter Tactics. Plus beyond that, we’ll also be able to make our own custom Chapters with unique Chapter Tactics as well! 

But wait there’s more!

Let’s start with a brand new unit type for the Primaris:

Incursor Squad

Incursor Primaris

This squad is an alternative build from the multipart Infiltrator kit (we’ll have more on the cool new stuff for them a bit later). In addition to being armed with occulus bolt carbines that rob the enemy of cover, Incursors are equipped with awesome multi-spectrum arrays that prevent them from suffering any negative modifiers when using ranged weapons

With with the Tactical Doctrine giving extra negatives on AP, as well as not suffering penalties to ranged weapons (falling back, -1 to hit etc) this new unit should fit in nicely to the Primaris lineup. Plus if their Occulus Bolt Carbine is anything like the Leitantns, well 2 damage is about to hurt a lot more with all the other SM rules now.

As if that wasn’t cool enough, Incursors are also armed with paired combat blades that give them an extra edge in combat.

Incursor Primaris

Exploding attacks are always good, even if they are on “scouts”.  Plus now with the new Assault Doctrine, you can get -1 AP on your CCW as well. NEAT!

Incursor Primaris

Like their Infiltrator battle-brothers, Incursors carry smoke grenades and can set up in concealed positions, but the squad is also equipped with a haywire mine that can be planted mid-battle. Once primed, the first enemy unit to move within 3″ of the haywire mine risks suffering D3 mortal wounds (or D3+1 if it’s a Vehicle) before the mine is then removed. 

These seem perfect for booby-trapping objectives, or field multiple small units to deny an area with their mines. Qantity is its own quality!

Infiltrator Squad

primaris infiltrator

However, instead of assembling one of your Infiltrators as a Helix Adept, you can equip one of your squad with an Infiltrator comms array.

If you forgo the denial of enemy reinforcements, you can use the newly revealed comms array to lend the Rites of Battle and Tactical Precision abilities to the unit.

Infiltrators comms array

So instead of re-rolling 1’s to wound or to hit within 6″ bubbles, far-flung Infiniltraors can still operate at peak efficiency if those character units are still on the table! Pretty good, depending on the points.

Eliminator Squad


eliminator squad 2

Eliminators just got stupid good.  Are you ready for this?

These deadly marksmen can now target enemy Characters with all three of their bolt sniper rifles’ ammo types (executioner, hyperfrag and mortis rounds), and their ammo profiles have been ramped up – for starters, they’re now all Strength 5!

So add strength to these profiles for all your purging needs. That mortis round is looking even spicier than before at exploding S5 shots that can shoot down hiding characters and units alike.


Plus the highly-anticipated Las Fusil seems to be no joke either.  Shame on all of you that made fun of this “lasgun”.

Eliminator las fusils

The Sergeant of the squad now can act like the Devastator sergeant in some regards and give the unit +1 to hit AND wound which is just a huge force multiplier against mid-level targets now.


He also is armed with an Instigator bolt carbine that Admiral Ackbar would be proud of:

Eliminator covering fire

…a Sergeant equipped with an instigator bolt carbine is perfect for luring your enemies into a trap (the hearts of a thousand Raven Guard players just skipped a beat). All you need to do is place your ‘hapless’ Eliminators in charge range of an enemy unit, and when your foe has committed, simply withdraw (after firing Overwatch for good measure). Your opponent’s unit will be left exposed, ready to gun down or counter-charge at your leisure while your Eliminators mock (and shoot) them from a safe distance!

Yup, its a trap.

Well, today has been nothing short of spectacular as far as rules reveal go. Games Workshop is really knocking it out of the park with the Space Marines 2.0 release.

New Primaris Space Marines Prices & Lineup

GW opened up the floodgates for new Space Marines over the weekend. Check out the new release lineup and pricing for all those new Primaris! Read More

With new units, rules, and more on the way for the Loyalists, which units/rules are looking the most competitive to you?

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