Help Keep Our YouTube Ad Free & Get Free Miniatures!

By Rob Baer | February 13th, 2016 | Categories: Uncategorized

fw swag

Don’t miss this great way to help keep our videos AD FREE on YouTube, and get FREE miniatures back in return every month! Checkout how you can help!

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Our latest batch of Forge World Swag to send out to our supporters for the month of January is here. Who knows what cool stuff we’ll be sending out to folks next month!

If you enjoy our Spikey Bits video features, please consider becoming a supporter on Patreon.  After your first month of $1 support you’ll get a FREE Spikey Bits Swag Bag from us full of miniature goodies.

Please help us reach our milestone goals this month of $400 a video and going AD FREE on YouTube for 2016, by pledging at least $1 a video.

You’ll get a FREE Swag bag and a squad from the Horus Heresy Box Set* back in return from us for your support!


For the rest of Feburary we’ll also be giving away to everyone who pledges $1 or more a video a free squad* from the Horus Heresy Betrayal at Calth set in addition to our normal swag bag.

That’s over $25 value plus our normal swag bag just for supporting us!

Plus the FREE MINIATURES don’t stop there folks, every month if you pledge over $3 a video you will receive a box of swag valued at over the total amount you just pledged.

It’s like the Robin Hood of support, except for you get what you give… back!


All items are drawn from our Spikey Bits Miniature Vault that we’ve showcased in past video unboxings and features. So you know you’ll be getting some fresh swag back each month from us just for being a supporter (see the title picture for an idea of the kinds of models we’ve shipped out in the past).

If you want a certain brand or type of minis like just 40k-esque or no X-Wing stuff, just send us an email when you register to let us know, and we’ll make it happen for you, even if we didn’t review that type of product that month!


What we do here isn’t about money, but it takes money to do the things we do!

This new format helps us share with you all the perks of doing what we do, while growing our support level to increase our ability to keep bringing the hobby back!

Please Help Support Us

* Free squad (Tactical, Cataphractii, or Contemptor Dreadnought) from the HH box will come on sprue  and is for a support level of $1 a video a month, with no maximum cap. We publish about 16-20 videos a month so you may be charged $16-$20 for this level of support in February.

Checkout all the details for support levels on our Patreon page itself.