Last Chance- GW Int’l shipments & Shopping Cart

By Rob Baer | June 14th, 2013 | Categories: Uncategorized

And the night closes in… Well this is it true believers at midnight Friday Night (June 14th), we will no longer be able to ship Games Workshop products Internationally OR sell GW products in a shopping cart.

As this final chapter closes in what once a bright and prosperous time, we would like to thank everyone for the privilege of serving your bits needs, first as Battlewagon Bits, and now as Spikey Bits.

But the power of the Matrix will light our darkest hour, or so the saying goes.

Starting on Saturday June 15th we will only be able to sell Games Workshop product via phone orders OR our sweet new Games Workshop Mail Order Sheet (which you can get by sending an Email to

We can however sell all of our other over 10,000 plus products in a shopping cart everyday, and would love to continue to provide you with your gaming supplies.

Plus don’t forget about our weekly sales featuring your favorite games at up to 30% OFF!

In the near future we’ll be expanding out our product offerings, as well as upgrading our ordering systems to help accommodate our continued growth, and to maintain our strict customer service standards!

If you haven’t heard already SpikeyCon, wargaming’s newest convention of sorts will be happening in just a two short weeks, and will feature tons of great special guests and events. Check it out HERE

My name is Robert Baer. I am a survivor living in Richmond, Virginia. I will be broadcasting on all media frequencies. I will be at FTW Games everyday. We open at mid-day, when the sun is highest in the sky. If you are out there… if you want to game… I can provide tables, I can provide products, I can provide supplies. If there’s anybody out there… anybody… please. You are not alone.