Low on funds? Turn your Magic Cards you have lying around into CASH!
Get some of the best prices available for your magic cards from any buyer!
We pay up to 50% cash on most Trade-In’s, plus get a 20% bonus for Store Credit (either on Spikeybits online, or at FTW Games).
That means you can be getting over 50% value for your Magic Cards!!
All you have to do to trade in your cards is stop by FTW Games in Richmond, Va or email us online support@ftwgames.net for more information. Or feel free to call us at (804) 464-1873
If inquiring about a selling a larger collection, please give us a call before you stop by to make sure our buyer is on hand to handle your request.
Foreign Language Cards
Not applicable for the 20% trade in bonus.
Only accepted for trade in (no cash on these guys)
Bulk Buy Prices:
Rare’s/Mythic: 0.10 per card
Foil Rare’s/Mythic: 0.25 per card
Common/Uncommon: 0.05 per card
Common/Uncommon: 2.50 per thousand