New Forge World – Alpha Legion, Decals & Brass REVEALED

By Rob Baer | January 11th, 2016 | Categories: Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Thunderhawks walpaper Forge world

More Forge World looks to be on the way here soon for the Heresy, most notably what looks to be the Alpha Legion Headhunters. Come see the new models and upgrade previews!

Via Forge World 1-11-2016

One of the coolest models on show at the 40th Birthday party at Warhammer World has to have been Corvus Corax, Primarch of the Raven Guard. Unless you’ve slept through the last weekend you should have noticed by now that Corvus is available to order, along with the deadly Dark Fury Assault Squad.

One of my favourites that’s not yet available has to be this new upgrade kit that’s coming soon for the Alpha Legion, the sneakiest of all Legions!

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And that’s not all. Last week I showed you a whole raft of transfer sheets that are coming soon. After the party, I managed to get hold of another transfer sheet and a new set of etched brass symbols too!

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So it looks like there will be yet MORE upgrade sets, and squad marking coming soon from Forge World. The gents in Nottingham just cant stop helping us upgrade our new plastic Betrayal at Calth Marines. I wonder how long it will be until the separate squads start hitting.

Forge World Previews From Warhammer World @ New Years Weekend 2016

– What upgrades are you excited for?