NEW GIVEAWAY – Win Free Forge World!

By Rob Baer | January 25th, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized

hammerhead walpaper

Want to win FREE Forge World? Scroll down to see how!

Thunderhawk walpaperAs part of the official kickoff of the new Spikey Bits forum we’re GOING RETRO, and giving away the very first edition of Forge World’s Imperial Armor III book; The Taros Campaign.

While it is now out of print (having been replaced by the second edition), it’s still a very cool hard cover book, and a great volume of Tau and Elysian Drop Trooper fluff in it’s own regard!

taros one

All you have to do for a chance to win is;

  • Register for the forum, if you haven’t already. (only once please we have IP technology)
  • Then in THIS Forum thread make just one post with your favorite quote/ one liner from the movie Gladiator (staring Russell Crowe).


We’ll close the give-away and choose a winner sometime next weekend (January 24th or 25th), by random roll of the internet dice roller!

Since you’re registering why not introduce yourself in the new members area as well?


With Games Workshop pulling out of Social Media a few months back, we thought this was a great time to launch a new forum and grow a new community for everyone to post and share their pictures of their latest projects.

*Banned accounts, and post spammers exempt. We will ship the books anywhere in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. Rest of world exempt.

Good Luck to Everyone!
