NEW Hobby Podcast – '40k After Hours'

By Rob Baer | June 13th, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized

podcast friendly
The boys are back again. Checkout table-top gaming’s newest podcast; The Long War.

That’s right the Long War podcast is your audio portal for bringing the hobby back. It’s hosted by the familiar voices of Rob Baer, Kenny Boucher and Stephen Fore.
Join us for our ‘After Hours’ tournament talk, hobby insights, and more!  We’ll also be discussing new army lists, submissions, and YOUR questions as well via the Wednesday night webcast.
Tabletop Market Watch, Tournament Talk with Juice, and Listener Q&A from the Wednesday webcast.
Bring the hobby back with The Long War!
Choose how you want to listen below.

Episode 1
We go over the new releases for the week, New Forge World Models, Space Marine Rumors. Plus some tournament talk about Dark Angels, Eldar, and Imperial Knights.

Episode 2
We run down the new Space Marine releases, Horus Heresy rules, and the new X-wing spoilers. Plus some tournament talk about the new Imperial Knights & if 30k is the new 40k.

Episode 3
We run down the new Cult Mechanicus releases, Horus Heresy Missions, and a Chaos Space Marines “Slaanesh-Themed” Army List.

Episode 4 – Space Marines Codex [Top 10 Biggest Changes] We run down the new Space Marine Codex, Top 10 Biggest Changes, and a  Space Marines “Super Friends” Army List.