New Horus Heresy T-Shirts SPOTTED!

By Rob Baer | December 7th, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k Rumors

horus walpaper

Horus Heresy Fever is in full swing at Forge World and Warhammer World. Come see the new Grim Dark t-shirts that were just revealed by Games Workshop!

Via Forge World 12-7-2015

It looks like something designed in the Forge World Studio got past me and is already on sale without me knowing. I took a trip to the Forge World store at Warhammer World this week and found they had two brand new T-shirts with really cool, dark designs.

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If you’re lucky enough to have a ticket for the 40th birthday party at Warhammer World in January, you’ll be able to pick them up then. I did hear there are more designs being prepared for release exclusively at the event. I’ll be keeping an eye out for those so watch this space for more news.

Wow those are looking pretty fresh, I hope they make shirts for all 18 legions! Be sure to check back here around new years for the all the news from that weekend.

Forge World Legion News Roundup