New Kings of War Reinforcements arrive!

Night StalkerReinforcements are arriving at a Kings of War battlefield near you! The Nightstalkers and the Northern alliance are bolstering their numbers with some insane new models.

The Northern Alliance is a hardy group of men who exterminate their enemies with a frosty heart. That doesn’t mean you’re cold-hearted if you play them though! Let the new Northern Alliance lead your armies to victory.

The Night stalkers are receiving two new wild units to help their dastardly cause. The Soulflayers’ only aim is to steal your soul with their scythes. Then the Dreadfiend will happily feast on your corpse. Either way, you’re in trouble.

Don’t miss out on these awesome models, you can snag them here. So now, get ready to feast on some new pics!

Kings of War Reinforcements:

night stalkerThe horror! The Terror! It’s been too long since the Soulflayers have ridden into battle. Now, they will wait no longer. If you’ve been looking into getting started Kings of War, check out the starter set here. 

Dread Fiend

Run away! No mortal can stand up to the almighty Dreadfiend. Do you want to get eaten by a stomach mouth? Not us either…

Kings of war 3

The hero of the north has arrived! Of course, his trusty steed is never far behind. His steed serves two purposes, kick butt in battle and a perfect cuddle partner when the cold gets unbearable.

Kings of war 1The yetis have made it to the field! Their frost weapons will literally freeze the enemy to icecubes. They are great at a party when the drinks are hot!

Kings of War 2The stalwart men of the north prepare for battle! Their giant two-handed weapons are ready to cleave anyone in two. Go see what else Kings of War has in store for you here. 

What awesome new models incoming for Kings of War! If you’ve been looking for reinforcements, these are about as good as you can get. That means don’t sleep on these and get your’s preordered today.

 Kings of War Reinforcements