NEW PICS: GW’s Releases Pricing & Teaser!

By Rob Baer | December 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k Rumors

gw warhammer rebrand

Come see the new pictures we can all actually read for the new releases and campaign book for the dark lords! Checkout what’s on the way and next week’s teaser in ENGLISH!

Via Captain Citadel


This week’s highlights:

  • Battletome Archaon $58 (SM codex price)
  • Varanguard Knights of Ruin 3 Minis for $100??
  • and the Everchosen Painting Guide $20

And the Teaser is a little cryptic as to what may be next… Tzeentch perhaps?


Oh snap are we about to see some Tzeentch goodies next week?