Next Week’s GW Release Teaser – Is it 40k?

By Rob Baer | September 8th, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Looks like we may just almost be out of the Age of Sigmar woods judging by this weeks White Dwarf Teaser! Come see what the new hints may mean..

Via Faeit

Hey, the only releases next week are the ones you reported already

The hints for the week after are: Slaughter, Blood, Skulls and…Cogs?

What does that mean exactly?  If I was a betting man I’d say that unfortunately instead of 40k releases, we’ll see the Khorne release of their AoS character clampacks.

However there is one last item for the Age of Sigmar that we’ve seen and hasn’t had a released yet: the Realm of Battle Board. And just to pour more fuel on the speculation fire, checkout what one of the boards features:

via Games Workshop 8-23-2015


Are these the cogs the White Dwarf is talking about, or do they really mean Mechanicum? We’ll know for sure later in the week!

Age of Sigmar Roundup


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