Powered By Lasers & LEDs – New KICKSTARTER

By Rob Baer | August 10th, 2015 | Categories: Kickstarter, LED, Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Love laser cut terrain, AND LED lighting? You’re in luck! Come see Wargame Model Mods new Kickstarter.

Checkout the new Kickstarter for Wargame Model Mods that features LED Lights and Laser Cut Terrain.

My first kickstarter is in full swing you can see it here


I have been working on adding Stretch goals to the project

Here is a look at the first few goals.

There are more to come with several in development.

if you have any comments or would like to see anything adding to the kickstarter pop over to the page and leave me a comment

Wargame-model-mods website
