RUMORS – New “BIG” Khorne Kit on the Way from GW?

By Rob Baer | August 12th, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized


There’s a lot of chatter today about a new BIG kit that may be coming for Khorne.  Come see the latest!

via Darnok on Warseer 8-11-2015

I was told there was a new big kit for Khorne coming. “Exalted Deathbringer” sounds about right.

When corrected that this was the name of the new smaller Khorne mode he had this to say:

Ah, okay. In that case this model is not the one I just mentioned. Think Bloodthirster size.


While Darnok may have been mistaken about the name, there is a Soulgrinder of Khorne that figures prominently in the first campaign book. Perhaps we’ll see a Glottkin type model of that in the near future?

Or it could be part of an upcoming Tzeentch expansion as well…

Here’s what we’ve heard about the rest of the Khorne releases, and potential Tzeentch release rumors as well.

Khorne Release Rumors

via Bird In the Trees 7-29-2015

Early August:

Khorne Lord blister @$35

Plastic Khorne Blood Reavers, 10 w/ new weapon for @$55

Mid August:

Plastic Flesh Hounds, 5 for @$45  

Late August:

Plastic Chaos Chosen/Blood Warriors, 5 models w/ new weapon options @$55


Tzeentch Daemonkin Rumors

via bird in the trees 5-26-2015


Codex is same size size as Khorne Daemonkin

Lord of Change

Release is centered around the new plastic Lord of Change

LoC is same size as the Bloodthirster

Has 2 head options, 2 staff options, hurling a fireball option.

Only comes with an oval base.

Tzeentch Sorceror

Clampack sorceror – Tzeentch

Chaos Marine styled

Has 2 head options

Has bits to allow Thousand Sons version


Not too much gas left in the tank for Age of Sigmar if you go by what we can glean from trusted sources. Will new 40k releases “kick-off” in SSeptember starting with Chaos? Our Magic 8 ball says “ask again later”!

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