RUMORS – New Tau Terrain, Lizardmen, & Horus Heresy?

By Rob Baer | October 25th, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k Rumors
 horus walpaper
Come see the latest on new Tau Terrain, Age of Sigmar, and Horus Heresy that make be arriving soon!

It’s raining rumors this morning with tons of stuff coming in from all corners of the internets.

via Faeit

– There is still another book on the way for the war of damocles 
– RG chapter master got killed by shadowsun
-Shrike should be the new chapter master !

More info from the tower !
Next week tease :
-Tau scenery 
-Seraphon repack (i still hope for something new) 
-And a big box with a lot of plastic inside (7th nov)

Looks like the Kauyon campaign book download, and the WD #91 Teaser are on point with what Atia has to say above. I personally haven’t taken the time to read up on the Kauyon book yet, but everyone seems to be on the same page here for now.
Remember GW said in their app that there would be a release of the Tidewall components coming “soon”. Plus we are also hearing from a ton of folks that Horus Heresy will go on pre-order this Saturday as well.
Still take these with a few grains of salt as so much is being revealed that it’s hard to keep up right now!

Kauyon Rules Roundup

The Shadows STRIKE!

Tau Tidewall Hot or Not? – Episode 23