Save Money- Order before GW’s Price Adjustment!

By Rob Baer | May 28th, 2012 | Categories: Uncategorized

Here at Spikey Bits, we’re selling Games Workshop items at their current prices until midnight June 1st EST.

After that, well upload a new sheet to the site, and the 2012 price adjustment will go into effect.

But don’t wait until then, get your order in NOW and save some cash!!!

We stock the entire line of Games Workshop for 20% OFF, and even carry Finecast at a discount!

Ordering is easy, give us a call (804 464 1873), OR click here to get a copy of our mail order catalog, fill it out and email it back with your order! 

And if this article from last years adjustment is any indicator, buying now may just save you 40% or more.