Spikey Bits Mail Order – Thanks for the Memories

By Rob Baer | September 30th, 2014 | Categories: Uncategorized


Guys I just wanted to get on here and say thanks for four and a half great years here doing the mail order thing.

It’s been a blast helping to enrich the projects of so many gamers around the world for all these years. I started all this back in the day when Bits with a thing, and a year and a half after they’ve been “outlawed” the time has come to move on and try something new.

But fear not, there is a bunch of great places left both locally and online to get your toy soldier fix.

We’ll still be doing the blog thing here too, and now we get to talk about all sorts of JUICY stuff that we we’re “banned” previously from talking about when we were under the yoke of Games Workshop!

So happy gaming from the staff at Spikey Bits, and get ready for some exciting times soon!

If you need any customer service help OR want to send us some pictures of models to feature you can email us here support AT

Thanks again guys! -MBG