Check out the design secrets to GW’s new Dominion of Sigmar AoS Terrain, as we show you the 10 terrain sprues to rule them all!
We know that GW has made modular terrain in the past and after looking at the sprues, we can see that most of the kits had a lot in common with one another. Check out what sprues will be coming in the boxes and tell us what you’ll be picking up.
Sprues & Clues: Sprues Coming to Each Dominion of Sigmar Terrain Piece
Moving clockwise: Enduring Stormvault, Timeworn Ruins, Sigmarite Dais, Shattered Temple.
Whether you’re wanting to make the most out of your money or looking to grab a certain sprue for some conversion/display board work, here’s where you’ll find every sprue in the release wave:
Pictured is a possible configuration of all four new kits, with the Forbidden power Umbra piece in the top right as well. Note the extra large Stormvault platform made by two of the same half with the hemisphere (from dais) removed.
Sprues & The Boxes You’ll Find Them In
- Enduring Stormvault x2?
- Sigmarite Dais x2?
- Shattered Temple x2?
- Enduring Stormvault
- Sigmarite Dais x2
- Enduring Stormvault ONLY
- Enduring Stormvault ONLY
- Enduring Stormvault ONLY
- Enduring Stormvault
- Shattered Temple
- Sigmarite Dais
- Timeworn Ruins
- Sigmarite Dias
- Timeworn Ruins
- Enduring Stormvault
- Timeworn Ruins ONLY
- Timeworn Ruins ONLY
As expected, most of the kits all have something in common. (The pillars being the main sprue). However, if you grab a few different boxes, you’ll be able to mix and match terrain features together that have their own warscrolls. If you’re an Order player, we definitely would recommend looking into a few boxes of these. They offer some pretty cool effects for anyone who is fighting for the good guys.
Judging by 40k’s Sector Imperialis terrain, these will form the basis for years worth of new kits, and perhaps also supplement the Warcry team releases as well.
What do you think about the terrain kits? Which box will you be getting? Will you be using a terrain feature in your army even if you’re not Order? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.