The Great Battle of Leaves and Bones – AOS Battle Report

age of sigmar stormcast models

The vicious battle of Order and Death. The Basement Collective is back in full force. Up today we have an Age of Sigmar Battle Report: Death Vs. Order

In this battle Irvin’s Death Force (Tomb Kings and Vampire Counts) take on Kevin’s Order (High Elves). Check out the sweet action below.



We played 75 wounds each with a max of 2 Heroes and 1 Monster.

Irvin rocked:

1x Liche Priest

1x Necrotect

1x Bone Giant

3x Carion

3x Vargheists

2x 11x Tomb Guard

1x SSC

1x Scorpion

Kevin fought back with:

1x Druthu

4x Treekin

7x Waywatchers

22x Glade Guard

7x Wardancers

5x Wild Widers

Don’t forget to let us know if we made mistakes and what you thought about the video. Lets us know what you want to see in the future Aos videos, we currently are trying to acquire more armies for some variety. Also, please subscribe and like the video. Keep on Wargaming.

Also we have a new schedule for out uploads, be sure to check them out !

Monday – 40k Battle Report

Wednesday – Every 2nd week AoS Batrep, on the off week a random video.

Friday – X-Wing Batrep (yes we started a non gw-game :))

Checkout the Basement Collective!