The Stray Cat Strut: Tales of Meowland Miniatures

meowlandThe Warriors have come out to play in the Tales of Meowland! Rats, mice, and small creatures across the world beware of these miniatures!

For the cat warriors have arrived to destroy your homes and eat you up. At least they’ll look really cute doing it… so you probably won’t be getting any human help. These awesome miniatures are a great centerpiece for any game and are super fun to paint.

Don’t underestimate them though, their cute little noses are only a distraction to keep your eyes off their blades.

Tales of Meowland: $39

Tales of Meowland 2His little crossbow is making me want a cat, not sure why…

Tales of Meowland 3The mightiest of the warriors from the Tales of Meowland. His axe can cut the mightiest foe in twain. Go check out this insane army of one to see some more cat warriors

Tales of Meowland 4A cat so in tune with nature, you would almost swear he grew up as a stray. He has a solid spot in this immaculate band though, as the tracker and overall cool guy.

Tales of Meowland 5Spells of insane power burst from those little paws. I wouldn’t want to be caught on the wrong end of this one. His spells propel the other Tales of Meowland heroes into battle with confidence.

Tales of Meowland 6A truer hero has never been seen. Whether facing down a dragon or a horrible rat, his goldfish shield will save him from any enemy. His sword shall pierce through the thickest of hides and lead his band of cats to victory.

Tales of Meowland 7The sneakiest of sneaky cats is a sight to behold. Her ambushes are legendary throughout the realm, she swoops from the trees without a sound, all goldfish will be hers.

These models are so much fun and look incredible! You would be doing yourself a disservice to not go buy some of these cute little guys!

If you need to see more cats in action we’ve got you covered here too.

Stray Cats: $39