Unseen Horus Heresy Pics – White Dwarf #93 REVEALED

By Rob Baer | November 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Uncategorized, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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More spectacular shots of the new Horus Heresy: Betrayal of Calth box set are here. Come see the amazing shots of the new miniatures from White Dwarf #93!

Get our your German translators, more White Dwarf pictures have been spotted from Deutschland!

pics posted via fire golem, bolter and chainsword 11-2-2015





From these pictures it looks like the White Dwarf is all Horus Heresy this week! From these images we can see new shots of the game and it is indeed on a hex board. Plus tons of close ups of the miniatures themselves that keep looking better and better!

Checkout more of the pics from the special Horus Heresy White Dwarf #93 below.

Betrayal At Calth Roundup

Heresy is coming!

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