Warp Breech Detected- Get the New Daemons!

By Rob Baer | March 5th, 2013 | Categories: Uncategorized

They’re heeeeeere!  All over the world the new Daemon models are live for immediate order!

You can still order any of the new Daemon models NOW, and beat the big rush that hits after every new release!

Need even more reason to get them now? Well we’re selling the new minis at 20% OFF and have great flat rate shipping prices!  Head on over to the Spikey Bits’ Daemons Page now to lock in your very own Daemons miniatures, now!
Courtesy of Faeit212:  

Warhammer: Daemons of Chaos Hardcover
96 page full colour, hardback Warhammer Armies book € 39,00 / $49.50

Codex: Chaos Daemons Hardcover
104 page full colour, hardback Codex € 39,00 / $49.50

Chaos Daemons Battalion/Battleforce $115.00

New mix of models, same MSRP

Chaos Daemons Plague Drones of Nurgle
This box contains a multipart plastic kit that makes three Plague Drones that are multi-posable and offer collectors a large variety when assembling them € 46,00 / $60.00

Chaos Daemons Burning Chariot of Tzeentch 
This box contains a multipart plastic kit that makes either a Burning Chariot of Tzeentch or a Herald of Tzeentch on a Burning Chariot of Tzeentch € 35,00 / $40.00

Chaos Daemons Blood Throne of Khorne 
This box contains a multipart plastic kit that makes either a Blood Throne of Khorne or a Skull Cannon of Khorne € 35,00 / $40.00

Chaos Daemons Herald of Nurgle
This Clampack contains a new plastic Herald of Nurgle on a sculpted base € 20,00 / $25.00

This release is going to be BIG, avoid the rush and get your Advanced Order in NOW! -MBG