What’s in the BOX?!!! Gamer Mystery Box Cometh

By Rob Baer | November 16th, 2012 | Categories: Uncategorized

So we had a ton of feedback over the past few days about what exactly IS the Gamer Mystery Box, how much it will cost, and what will be inside of it.

Well I can answer a few of those questions for you here today, and the rest… well I got keep something a mystery right?

Fist off I just made a sweet video showing the all the stuff we have set aside for the first batch of Mystery Boxes that we’ll make this weekend. There is an amazing $20,000+ retail of product here all up for grabs on Black Friday!

As you can see there is a TON of stuff here that we’ll be mixing into boxes here shortly. After we make up all the boxes, I’ll do an un-boxing so everyone can see what can come in a random box!


Don’t for get that everything in the store will be at least an additional FIVE PERCENT OFF it’s normal LOW price! That’s like saving an extra five bucks per item on some things!!

We’ll also have a fresh batch of BITS FAT SACKS available while they last as well!

Ill be up at 12:01 am EST Black Friday Morning releasing the Kraken of savings on the site.  Join me won’t you?


WOOT, we’re coming up on that magical sales time of the year again, Black Friday! Soon we’ll be releasing the Kraken on savings and you’ll save tons on gaming for one special weekend only!

Next Friday, over at the Spikey Bits Online store, we’ll launch one of our biggest sales yet, and I can guarantee that you will NOT want to miss it. People will be talking about this one for awhile, so be there when it happens!

It all kicks off Friday November 23rd at 12:01 AM. I will be up late here at Spikey Bits’ Headquarters that night ready to push the button that releases the SALES KRAKEN!  After that all bets are off, as it will be first come first serve on these amazing deals!

So what special deals will we have for you next week?  Well First off, everything in the store will be at least an additional FIVE PERCENT OFF it’s normal LOW price! That’s like saving an extra five bucks per item on some things!!

Second off we’ll have a special sale page that will contain just TWO AMAZING items.  

The first, Spikey Bits Fat Sack is one of our favorite limited edition products to offer from time to time, and Black Friday is no different. Well except it will be on sale of course! Don’t worry it’s okay to indulge and buy a little extra while they are back in stock!

The Second product is yet another Spikey Bits’ first, the MYSTERY BOX!

This awesome product comes to you disguised as a large shipping container, but packed inside is a random assortment of brand new in box gaming delight!

For a meager purchase price you will receive an amazing random assortment of sweet gaming swag from such companies as Forge World, Games Workshop, Privateer Press, Wizards of the Coast, Spartan Games, Gale Force Nine, and Mantic Miniatures just to name a few!

Why buy something so random? Well, besides the fact it will be like opening up a present to yourself,  each box’s retail value will far surpass it’s purchase price! Some packages will even be “Hot Boxes” that retail for DOUBLE the price paid for them!

Who doesn’t want to double their money, right? Besides making a little extra on your purchase, you can always “re-gift” some of the items if you know one of your friends will appreciate it more!  IT’S WIN WIN!

Stay tuned for more details on this as we are getting them together this weekend, and will have tons of picture and our very own un-boxing video to entice you to get your very own MYSTERY BOX!

Plus if that wasn’t enough, get FREE SHIPPING worldwide on bits items as well!

The sale lasts until Monday the 26th, but don’t wait- we’re bound to run out of something before then!

Best part is, there is no code to remember for the shopping cart! A super computer has done all the work for you, all you have to do to get your discount is checkout!

What a deal!!! So kick off the holiday season with great deals on bits from who else?