Last week we hit our 3000th post, and to celebrate we’re doing yet another FREE giveaway.
Plus what’s better to giveaway, than one of the BIGGEST plastic models ever produced? How about one that you can win BEFORE you can buy it.
That’s right we’re giving away a DreamForge-Games’ Leviathan Mortis Walker kit.
This epic kit towers over most models at 8″ tall, and comes up to the shoulders of everyone’s favorite Forge World titan as well.
So help promote the impending release DFG’s wave three Leviathan kits, we’re giving away an unopened brand spanking new Leviathan Mortis kit along with the Vulkan Cannon arm, and capacitor cooler exhausts! (or equal value in Spikey Bits Store Credit) around November 16th!
Okay here’s how it works. all you have to do for a chance to win this bad boy is to subscribe to our YouTube channel, (or already be subscribed) and we’ll pick one lucky subscriber from all of our subs to win this amazing kit around the 16th of November.
But wait there’s more! If you share this post of Facebook, and someone wins because they saw your share and subscribed, we’ll give YOU a Leviathan kit too.
Click here to subscribe on our YouTube Page, and HERE to share this on Facebook with your friends!