WOW! Thunderwolves for $12 & SW Single Bits Packs!

By Rob Baer | April 6th, 2012 | Categories: Uncategorized

Can you believe it? The new Thunderwolf bits packs have been marked down, to an amazing $12 each!!!

Heck the new three pack of Thunderwolf bits is even cheaper than that!

Now why did we go and mark these bits packs down so low you ask?

Well it’s basic supply and demand. It’s what drives the bits business.

When someone posts up a cool how to tutorial on a forum, and everyone runs to buy the same bits, BOOM prices go up. Same thing with a rules change, a new book, new kits etc.

When supply exceeds demand, well prices drop.  Right now we’re selling WAY more of all the other Thunderwolf bits, so we marked the actual wolf models themselves down!

Plus we made some pretty awesome single rider, and Thunderwolf with rider bits packs to help you get the right amount of models on the table, the fastest!

So now instead of buying secondary market resin kits from overseas, you can enjoy great quality plastic Thunderwolf Cavalry models for cheaper, and get FREE SHIPPING!

Check out the details HERE, or scroll down to checkout all the NEW bits packs!

Sorry to take up a valuable blog post, but this is the fastest way to spread the word about important bits news from the Spikey Bits Online store!  

Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Heads x5 Bits Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Heads x5 Bits
Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Heads x5 Bits
[Bits cut to order in 1-2 days]

Price: $4.99 $3.99
Retail: $53.00
Save: $49.01 off Box Set price.

Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Rider Only Set Bits Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Rider Only Set Bits
Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Rider Only Set Bits
[Bits cut to order in 1-2 days]

Price: $10.99 $8.79
Retail: $53.00
Save: $44.21 off Box Set price.

Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Wolf & Rider Set Random Bits Pack Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Wolf & Rider Set Random Bits Pack
Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Wolf & Rider Set Random Bits Pack
[Bits cut to order in 1-2 days]

Price: $22.50 $18.00
Retail: $53.00
Save: $35.00 off Box Set price.

Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Wolf Models x3 Random Bits Pack Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Wolf Models x3 Random Bits Pack
Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry Wolf Models x3 Random Bits Pack
[Bits cut to order in 1-2 days]
Price: $43.59 $34.87
Retail: $53.00
Save: $18.13 off Box Set price.

Enjoy, and thanks for shopping Spikey Bits!  -MBG