X-Wing Wave 3 is HERE, But Not For Long?

By Rob Baer | September 12th, 2013 | Categories: Uncategorized

FFG informed their retailers that  X-wing Wave 3 ships released this week, and are already SOLD OUT from them.

So what does that mean for all the would be pilots out there? Get your ships fast!!!!

All the new ships are HERE, but after this shipment hits there is no telling how long everyone will be out of stock for after this.  

We advise anyone wanting these ships to order NOW as we have a limited supply and are selling them off on a first come first serve basis.

While I’m sure some lucky players will acquire them at GENCON this year (I sent a few Bothan agents of my own to procure them as well), it’s looking like this release will be horrible allocated thus increasing it’s value on the secondary market.

For the Wave 2 ships we horribly oversold them, as the supply quickly dried up… along with the Wave One ships as well.

Last thing we want to do is create bad feelings over such a great childhood memory related game again right?

I know I can’t wait to get the new ships myself, as I miss making pew pew laser sounds with my friends…

So until then, checkout our sweet video un-boxing for the new Wave 3 Ships, and be sure to read our other Star Wars Tactics Articles!