Top Imperial Guard Weapon Team & Vehicle Alternatives to GW

Victoria miniatures review

When it comes to counts as Imperial Guard Victoria Miniatures has you covered. Check out all the weapon team and wheeled vehicle upgrades that make great alternatives to Games Workshop!

Victoria Miniatures is the place to find awesome and amazing heavy weaponry! Your Astra Militarum armies will appreciate the reinforcements and upgrades. Hand sculpted perfection is what you can expect from a company of this caliber. Check out Victoria Miniatures for boutique resin miniatures. Big guns and big wheels is the name of the game for Imperial Guard armies everywhere and Victoria sure delivers in that department!

Victoria Miniatures Heavy Weapons

Heavy Mortar $12.99

The Heavy Mortar is a 60mm sized artillery platform for your Guardsmen armies. The Mortar kit comes with all you need to make the weapon platform, but a crew comes separately. This resin model is modernly designed and sculpted to perfection. The scale of the model is nice considering your options for crew members. 
Victoria Miniatures Heavy Weapons

Heavy Artillery Multi-Pack $24.99

The Heavy Artillery MultiPack is a great way to accessorize your Guardsmen armies. This weapon platform can switch out the gun components for a Las Cannon, Heavy Bolter, or Autocannon. The resin components look great on the weapon wheels. Just add your crew members of choice to bring this whole set up together. 
Victoria Miniatures Heavy Weapons

APC Wheel and Suspension Kit $18.99

Another fabulous option, especially for the Taurox truck from the Tempestus Scions army, is the APC Wheel kit. The Taurox can be unsightly with its original tank tread design so adding some wheels makes it really pop!

Victoria Miniatures Heavy WeaponsVictoria  Miniatures continues to produce amazingly sculpted miniatures. Check out their website for all of your custom artillery and vehicle bits for your Imperial Guard army today!

Models provided for promotion & review