Van Diemen’s World Devils STLs Now Available For Imperial Guard

Van Diemen's World Devils 10 Woman Squad .STL Download They’re finally here; the Van Diemen’s World Devils 10 Woman Squad STL is up for grabs over on Victoria Miniatures.

Victoria Miniatures is always coming out with some of the coolest bits and hand-crafted minis on the market. We’ve been on the lookout for the Van Diemen’s release for a while now, and they’re finally up for grabs in STL form. These female World Devils are very detailed and work great as alternatives for Cadians or any other Imperial Guard regiment’s models.

Van Diemen’s World Devils 10 Woman Squad STL Download: $29.99

Van Diemen's World Devils 10 Woman Squad .STL Download 2

This new squad of models looks awesome and comes with a variety of  versions.

This squad is packed with character and contains plenty of extra bits to customize your troops. Fully modular, and designed to be compatible with Victoria Miniatures female troops. You can mix and match endless possibilities with this kit. All parts are supplied supported and unsupported.

Van Diemen's World Devils 10 Woman Squad .STL Download 3

With all the different STLs available, there are a ton of ways to set up these minis with some badass loadouts!

This kit contains the following files:
10 Female Slouch Hat Heads
2 Heads without hats
1 spare slouch hat
5 troop torsos with las carbines
3 Universal specialist torsos
4 character torsos
8 character arms
10 Bush Backpacks
1 comms backpack
5 Devils shorts legs
5 Devils conscript legs
Laser carbine
1 Grenade launcher
1 Bolt gun
1 Flamer
1 Plas rifle
1 fusion rifle
1 sniper rifle
Frag grenades
Ammo pouches
25mm round base

Alternative Woman Minis 6

Victoria Minis

Victoria Miniatures is constantly releasing new physical and digital minis and bits, so be sure to check out what else they have to offer today! Click below to get your Imperial Guard alternatives or pick up the World Devils Femal Squad STLs!

Click Here to Get Your World Devils Woman Squad!