8th Command Point & Wound Counters: Review

By Drago | November 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Gaming Gear, Product Review, Videos

fear this kustoms

Having issues with keeping track of turns, how many command points you have, or have accidentally rolled your wound markers? These may solve those problems!

Fear This Kustoms has three fantastic products to help keep track of wounds, command points, and acrylic templates for measurements. These three products are great for adding some organization to the gaming table, as well as some flare. Take a look at the entire lineup by scrolling down and pressing play on the video below!

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The point and turn counter is resin cast and fits 12mm D6 dice. As they are made of resin, you will need to wash it prior to any painting but they can be painted to match your army. There are sides for players one and two, keeping track of victory points, command points, and what game turn is on. The text is engraved onto the counter and Fear This Kustoms does not have customization available for this product. However, it is a useful tool to keep track of command points uses as well as victory points. This is available on their website for $15.

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The acrylic tactical template has several different measurements useful on a template we’ve seen in the past. The 9″ length is perfect for measuring deep strike abilities, 6″ side to help with movement, 3″ for disembarking, 2″ for unit coherency, and 1″ for assault. The tactical template can be customized, costing $15 while the standard template is $10. The customization is available if you send a line drawing only, and contacting them via their Facebook page when placing an order.

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The wound marker comes in several sizes. The largest one fits dice from D6 up to D20. The smaller wound counter holds D6 and are perfect for infantry models. A set of the wound counters is $15 and comes with 6 universal holders (the large one) and 4 small. The wound markers are created to resemble rubble, so they will fit into most terrain settings.

These three products by Fear This Kustoms are great to prevent accidentally re-rolling wound counters, keeping track of victory points and command points, plus giving a way for accurate measuring without messing with a measuring tape. Take a look at these via their website, or contact them for more information via Facebook.

Take a look at the entire review by pressing play on the video below!

Product provided for review by Fear This Kustoms.