Wargaming 40k City Modular Terrain Box Acid House Set

Wargaming 40k City Modular Terrain Box Acid House SetWe unbox the new Acid House Portable Terrain box that’s on Kickstarter now and is perfect for games of Warhammer 40k, Infinity, and more!

Today Rob’s taking a look at Acid House Terrain and their new modular ideas for wargaming terrain. This is unique in the sense that its printed high strength and water-resistant cardboard, and designed to be super mobile and easy to set up and move!

Get Your Modular Acid House Terrain Here!

Wargaming 40k City Modular Terrain Box Acid House Set

Right onto the box, it’s easy to see that every piece is easily distinguishable and also see how it will all pack all back up for storage. Plenty of room and easy storage are great positives to this modular box setup.

Wither everything laid out we can get a sense of just how much terrain there is in here. You will have no shortage of table layout options even for large scale 40k games! There is definitely something to be said about having everything in one place and having all of the terrain be consistent!

floorThe set also comes with a full-colored set of floor tiles, that are double sided too! The floor pieces lock together easily with the sort of puzzle pieces as shown above.

acid house exampleOnce Rob quickly assembles some of it we get a sense of what a table might feel like. There’s plenty of options here for sure so each table you set up will be very different! There are also no issues with weight as even the smaller building can hold up that massive Mortarion model with absolutely no issue what-so-ever.

This all in one kit is amazing, with portability, affordability, and quality all in one place there does not seem to be much to complain about!

Check out the video for Rob’s full breakdown and thoughts on all the terrain!

Get Your Modular Terrain Here!

What do you think of this set of modular card terrain?

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