Airbrushing Decayed Metals: Next Level Painting Tutorial

By Drago | May 24th, 2018 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Next Level Painting, Videos

3dartdigital hammer decayed metal

The time of the Orc arises, and this warlord is getting ready to lead the charge. Take a look at this fantastic model and get started on painting up an amazing weapon worthy of his valor.

3DArtDigital has some absolutely fantastic orc and goblin models with some fantastic opportunities to paint in different styles and with different techniques. This tutorial shows you how to paint decayed metals on the Orc Warlord’s hammer using both an airbrush and a paintbrush. Take a look at this quick overview then be sure to watch the entire video below!

orc warlord hammer

To start, airbrush Scale 75 Decayed Metal, a dark burnished gold, over the entire hammer. This serves as a great base for everything. Mix in Silver to the Decayed Metal and spray over edges to create transitions and give dimension to the hammer itself. Build more contrast in details like the chains with silver in order to have multiple metals on the same weapon. Finally, drybrush with that same silver to hit all that extra raised edges.

hammer 2

Prior to washing models like this, a gloss varnish helps create a glassy surface to help the wash to flow better. The varnish also locks in the colors better. For the wash, mix Army Painter Dark Tone and Strong Tone with Quickshade Mixing Medium then dab them onto the hammer itself. Prevent the wash from pooling by pulling away heavy amounts of it. Otherwise, let the washes pool into crevices and dry completely.

hammer 3


There it is, decayed metals to take your paint game to that next level. Be sure to check out 3Dartdigital’s online store for more fantastic models. For the entire tutorial and review, press play on the video below!