Amazing Looted Ork Speedwaagh! Converted Army

By Drago | November 9th, 2018 | Categories: Army Showcase, Orks, Videos

ork conversions

Orks are blank canvases of potential in many ways. Check out an amazing converted Ork Speedwaaagh army painted by White Metal Games

White Metal Games have converted and painted a fantastic Ork army. Since Orks loot everything, converting with Orks leads to unlimited possibilities. Take a look at this fantastic army showcase! Be sure to check out the entire video below to hear about the thoughts behind the conversions.

Amazing Looted Ork Speedwaagh! Converted Army

ork showcase

Orks are known for looting everything they come across, which makes them prime candidates for conversions. This is the perfect opportunity to also use those models people think are “too far gone” in the hobby. By adding, removing, and adjusting a few things, the Orks have taken over and the models are perfect for the table once again.

converted ork bike

To tie all the looted vehicles together, a nice universal pattern, some Ork gunners, and a paint scheme that indicates their unique Orky faction. These Evil Sunz are classic, with lots of weathering and extra bits bolted all over the place on their vehicles. No matter the base vehicle for these, they will go fast!

ork flyer

These models were painted to White Metal Games‘ Electrum level, or tabletop plus level . (Made for the tabletop but given a bit of extra love). This is not their highest level, but they look absolutely fantastic! Both on the table and in a collection. There are many other options for levels of paint jobs for different hobby budgets as well. With the goal to make every model unique, they have done a fantastic job doing exactly that with this mob.

orky tank

Such an awesome army with very Orky conversions. To see more fantastic armies, and to commission a force of your own, be sure to check out White Metal Games. Press play on the video below to watch the entire showcase and see all the neat things this army has to offer.