Another Way To Remove Paint From Old Models

Now is the time to get your models out of the box and 2018 compatible. Come see yet another way to strip paint from your miniatures.

Hello everyone! Cadaver here, bringing you a tutorial on a process that most of you modelers have definitely stumbled upon.

paint stripping

As you may probably have seen in my previous article, I am back on the modeling train and this time I am getting excited about the brand new Necromunda release. My Delaque Warband is one of the old school models I was looking forward to using with the new set up but they were terrible looking painted eons ago not even by myself. You can get an idea in the pic below.

cadaver stripping paint tutorialIt is not the worst paint job in the world but it definitely deserves better.

That is why I decided to give these models my paint stripping treatment, which always gives me great results. This technique works great with metal models as well as plastic ones. It even eats away the glue. This technique works only with acrylic water-based colors, which most people are using to paint their models with. Not sure if it can work with other types of colors, like oils or enamels. The technique involves Dettol, a 24-hour bath, and a good scrubbing with an old toothbrush.

I have decided to create a small tutorial video to show the process step by step. Feel free to check it out on Youtube or by scrolling down and pressing play on the video below!

dettol post bathFirst, the model takes a bath in a jar filled with Dettol. The model above sat in Dettol for 24 hours prior to the video. After taking out the model, scrub with an old toothbrush. The paint should come off extremely easily. The final result is a clean model that needs a final bath, then one last scrub before being completely clean and like new again.

finished stripped modelsI would love to hear what you think on this technique, has it worked for you? Do you have any suggestions or tweaks on how it would work better? Till next time, take care!