AT-ST Unboxing & Build: Star Wars Legions

By Drago | February 21st, 2018 | Categories: Product Review, Star Wars Legion, Videos

at st expansion cover

Today we take open the AT-ST kit for Star Wars Legion to see all the new rules, components and even build the model itself!

Imperial forces need backup and reliable transportation on Lothal, Hoth, or in a forest moon like Endor? Be sure to add the AT-ST to your forces and make those Rebels quake in fear!

Fantasy Flight Games has not failed to deliver in quality for the All Terrain Scout Transport, bringing us a miniature that looms over the battlefield. Take a look at this awesome expansion for the Imperial forces and be sure to watch the entire review below!

AT-ST Unit Expansion $49.95

at st unit expansion

The power of the Empire is visible on any subjugated world—few images are more representative of Imperial power than the shining white armor of a Stormtrooper or the rumble of a walker stomping through city streets or across the battlefield. Soon, you’ll be able to supplement your Stormtroopers with another symbol of Imperial oppression: the All Terrain Scout Transport!

An AT-ST is an awe-inspiring sight to the average foot soldier. It towers above the battlefield, stalking inimically forward on mechanized legs and raining a hail of fire and death from its laser cannons and powerful weapons systems. With the AT-ST Unit Expansion for Star Wars™: Legion, you’ll find a single finely sculpted, massive AT-ST miniature, which can be assembled to loom over the battlefield and provide a rallying point for your entire army. Alongside this beautiful miniature, you’ll find an assortment of all the unit cards and upgrade cards that you’ll need to fully integrate the AT-ST into the Empire’s war machine—and your armies.

The AT-ST comes with one plastic miniature, one unit card, six upgrade cards, 11 tokens, and a rules sheet. Tokens include aim, standby, wound markers, order token, vehicle damage. The unit is 195 points at the base and has armor, arsenal 2, weak point 1: rear. Arsenal allows it to attack with up to two weapons. Weak point causes attacks against this unit in the rear arc to gain impact one. The Fence-cutting Blades attack with four red dice. The MS-4 Twin Blaster Cannon, range up to four, attacks with two red, two black, and two white dice with fixed front and impact 3.

at st unit upgrade cards

Upgrade cards for the AT-ST include General Weiss (10 points); DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher (15 points); 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon (20 points); AT-ST Mortar Launcher (10 points); Long-Range Comlink (10 points); and Comms Jammer (15 points).

General Weiss is an upgrade card for ground vehicles and can be tapped to gain Arsenal 2 until the end of your activation. Arsenal 2 allows you to use up to two different weapons for that unit.

The AT-ST Mortar Launcher is range four, attacks with three white dice, has fixed front and suppressive. Suppressive applies a suppression token to the defender after the weapon fires.

The 88 Twin Light Blaster Cannon has a range up to three, attacks with one of each dice, has fixed front and impact one. The DW-3 Concussion Grenade Launcher has a range up to two, fixed front, blast to ignore cover, and fires two black dice.

at st versus knight

The AT-ST is a multi-part hard plastic kit with quite a few components to assemble. It comes with a 100mm round base and has three different weapon options. Assembly will be involved but is otherwise fairly easy to assemble. You can pick your pose but FFG recommends gluing the feet to the base for stability.

You can assemble it to break apart and store in the tray that comes in the kit fairly easily. The plastic is very detailed, so lots of great options for painting. Size wise, this model towers over Imperial Knights, Scount Sentinals, and Dreadnoughts.

The AT-ST is a fantastic multi-part model scaled well to the rest of the game in size. For Imperial forces, this will definitely be an amazing centerpiece to the army. Take a look at the entire review and awesomeness for yourself by pressing play on the video below!