Beginners Guide to Filling Gaps in Miniatures Big & Small!

Next Level Painting is bringing you some more exclusive hobby tips on how to fill in the gaps on your plastic miniatures! Go big or go home with Next Level!

Yo dawgs! Kenny Boucher is here to drop some more knowledge on you hobby maniacs. Get ready to learn the best way to fill in the gaps on your large scale miniatures. Putting together larger miniatures will leave you with huge gaps in your plastic or resin, so Kenny is here to show you the ancient Chinese techniques that he uses to fix common hobby problems. But have no fear! We will dive in and get started so you aren’t hangin’.

Prep Large Scale Miniatures

GT Studios is bringing the hotness with their latest wave of miniatures. Next Level Painting will be working with some of their new miniatures, and we managed to get our hands on the Orc Warlord. The dimensions on this Orc are huge, but this can leave some gaps in your resin. The features and smoothly pronounced details are fantastic, but they need a little work.

Prep Large Scale Miniatures

Vallejo Plastic Putty can be your best friend when it comes to filling in those hobby gaps on your miniatures. Make sure you use an older brush when working with the Plastic Putty.

Prep Large Scale Miniatures

Star off with a slurry of your Plastic Putty on your palette, and work it into the seams of the resin on your model. Begin by jamming the Plastic Putty into cracks to create a rough patch across the seam. Add some moisture into your brush to help feather your Plastic Putty into the raised surfaces of the seams. This can be a bit of a back-and-forth process, so be patient.

Prep Large Scale Miniatures

The most desired technique when using the Plastic Putty is when you feather the putty in seamlessly in the gaps of the resin. Adding water will give you more moisture, which will help you give a nice dry finish on your gap filling.

Prep Large Scale Miniatures

Check out the rest of the techniques for gap filling a’la Kenny by hitting play on the video below. Get your own Vallejo Plastic putty today on Amazon.

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