Color-match Gold Works In Airbrush & By Hand!

By Barclay Montgomery | December 26th, 2018 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Twitch, Videos

Get ready for even more gold painting action from the Spikey Bits Twitch channel as we show you how to get those golds to shine by hand!

We’re back with our Legion Custodes Telemon Dreadnought and he is ready for even more gold detail painting. We did some great airbrush tutorials with golds earlier on this guy, covering the larger, less detailed areas, but now we need a finer, more intricate touch with the old stand-by: the paintbrush by hand.

So, grab your paintbrushes and get ready to learn how to paint golds by hand!

All of the highlighting and edging is done and the bottom of the miniature was left un-highlighted to show you how the technique looks on the model.

To take this model past just table-top quality, we will need to add more highlights here. However, some of the spaces are too tight for an airbrush, so painting with a brush by hand will get you where you want to go with less cleanup on the fly.

The Army Painter golds are brilliant for this model, especially since they blend together well. A quick pro-tip with airbrushing is to always leave a little of your first color in your paint pot before switching to the next color. This adds a more subtle transition between colors. The same goes for using a paint brush. With our brush, we will start with Greedy Gold and mix it a bit with True Copper to get the perfect base mix for our gold highlights.

Some nice base coats of our mix of Greedy Gold and True Copper will work well on our edge highlighting. Our next color will be Bright Gold just make sure that you keep some of your base colors in each mix so that it blends nice and easy onto your model.

Repeat this with Shining Gold, and finally, you can trace the flat line edges with a mix of 50/50 Shining and Plate Mail Metal. Remember to leave a little of each color showing under each subsequent highlight.  Done right this will 100% exactly color match the airbrush golds of the same color as well- the hallmark of the Army Painter system!

There you have it, painting golds can be secretly easy with the right technique(s), and paints!

Stay up to date with the latest painting and hobby tutorials on the Spikey Bits Twitch!


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