Painting a Venom Miniature Comic Book Style!

By Andrew Schrank | July 2nd, 2020 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Videos, Warhammer 40k Rumors

comic book style painting venomLearn how to paint comic book style with the latest tutorial on a  Marvel Venom Miniature, from Wyatt at Jack of Clubs Painting.

Jack of Clubs Painting is a regular here and normally shows us how to paint our favorite models. This time, he’s giving us some advice on comic book style painting on a great Venom miniature.

Painting a Comic Style Venom: JoCP Tutorial

Wyatt went ahead and listed all the paints out beforehand.

Pro Acryl: Blue Black, Dark Blue, Pants Blue, Dark Neutral Grey, Light Neutral Grey, Bold Titanium White, Coal Black, Burnt Red, Magenta

highlighted venomFirst, prime the model black and follow that with a thinned layer of Blue Black. Once again, using a thinned down Dark Blue, go over the model leaving the blacks in the darkest recesses. For the last base layer, use Pants Blue and highlight the top-most sections of the model. With Bold Titanium White, add it to the Pants Blue and do one more highlight for now with the airbrush.

venom toungeYou can now begin the tongue. Start with a solid base coat of Burnt Red. With Magenta, lightly airbrush over the red. Add a few drops of Bold Titanium White to the pink and highlight the tongue.

At this point, it’s time to begin the early stages of the base as well. Starting with Dark Warm Grey, lightly base coat the entire base. With Light Neutral Grey, highlight the tiles on the base.

Moving back to Venom himself, block in white details with a brush and Light Neutral Grey. Those include the symbol on his chest, his teeth, and his eyes. However, right before the teeth, paint his mouth the same as the tongue you just finished. This is to try to avoid as much cleanup as possible.

At this point, use some Glossy Lucky Varnish Ammo By MiG ran through an airbrush and just coat the whole model. Then after it’s dry, wash the model. Coat the whole model in Mr. Hobbying Multi-Black. While that’s still wet, come through the Mr. Hobbying Solvent and use it as an eraser on the Multi-Black to tone it down until it is at an appropriate level. Finally, use Ultra Matte Lucky Varnish Ammo By MiG and coat the model after the wash is dry.

Now you can really see the comic style shine through. Take some Coal Black with a very thin brush and paint in the deep recesses that the wash dried into. Optionally you can also add some random crosshatches. Drybrush the base with Light Neutral Grey. Highlight the white areas on the model with Bold Titanium White. Now just assemble and, BAM!

With that, the model is looking sweet and ready for any game or shelf! If you want to hear more of his insights, watch the full video!

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You can also get your own Marvel Super Hero Miniatures here

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