Death Guard Nurgle-pede One of a Kind Chaos Warhammer 40k Army

Chaos is Rising. Don't miss a one of a kind converted and painted Death Guard Chaos Space Marine Army from White Metal Games.

Chaos is Rising. Don’t miss a one of a kind converted and painted Death Guard Chaos Space Marine Army from White Metal Games.

This disgustingly good looking Nurgle army is brought to you by the master painters from White Metal Games. We have been eagerly watching the production of this commission and are ready to showcase this studio project.

White Metal Games Nurgle ShowcaseThis project has taken a lot of custom work utilizing second-hand model collections.  An old school Nurgle army actually formed the basis of this army, focusing on Terminators and Cultists.

White Metal Games Nurgle Showcase

The focus of this project was the themed of bruised Nurgle flesh as a painting basis with Custom conversions abound! The great part about of this army is all the older models that may not have gotten any use or love and have been absorbed by Grandfather Nurgle’s favor.

White Metal Games Nurgle Showcase

The Chaos Lord leads the Nurgle Terminators through the thick of the fighting, taking the bruised Death Guard to a victory march. Detail work was not a main focus, but creating a Nurgle theme can spare a few niceties with the modeling and painting. The Nurgle vehicles allow for many custom sculpting and Nurgle effects.

White Metal Games Nurgle Showcase

The custom Maulerfiend is a combination of many different parts. Starting off with a Maggoth Lord head and arms, this Maulerfiend is finished out with an old dragon figure’s tail. The pustules are made from silica balls and sculpted muscle tone. The custom-made centerpiece of the army is the Defiler. A few Knight Titan heads are encompassed into his body and his body is made of spare Knight Titan legs.

White Metal Games Nurgle Showcase

The Chaos Rhino heralds back the older Daemon possessed vehicles favored by Chaos. Entrails burst forth from this Nurgle army from White Metal Games!

Commissioned models provided in exchange for this showcase promotion.