Don’t Be Mad At X-Wing 2.0: The Game Is Still Good

By Drago | September 12th, 2018 | Categories: Fantasy Flight Games, Product Review, Videos, X-Wing 2.0

Don't Be Mad At X-Wing 2.0: The Game Is Still Good

Worried about X-Wing Second Edition? Not sure what will be involved with the new version? Check out this quick overview of a few things to look forward to!

Did FFG just future-proof the game against bloat and cheesy combos? Looking at you Jump master… Hear our thoughts as we compare it to Warhammer 40k.

X-Wing 2.0 by FFG is changing the game up and to prepare, FFG is releasing conversion kits for current gamers to update their armies and be able to use their current ships and cards. Take a look at this overview of some of the conversion kits and how X-Wing 2.0 plays. Be sure to watch the entire review by pressing play on the video below!

Don’t Be Mad At X-Wing 2.0: The Game Is Still Good

Editor’s Note: in the video, I did mention that you don’t need the Starter set. I wasn’t thinking but technically you do for the new token types, damage decks, and exclusive pilots.

xwing conversion kits Don't Be Mad At X-Wing 2.0: The Game Is Still Good

The conversion kits come with pilot cards, upgrade cards, and new templates for each faction of ships: Rebel Alliance, Galactic Empire, Scum & Villainy, First Order, and Resistance.

luke skywalker

The new cards do not have points costs listed, which will make updating things easier to do. All the upgrade cards all have symbols on them to indicate their place. The pilot card does not have an ability listing either. Plus the new cards are simpler to read, using symbols to set everything up.

These all get supported by an app that FFG will provide via their website. The way each card works together, including Force Charge, will be interesting in 2.0 depending on how everything works together.

ffg xwing

Overall, the game does play very well and the mechanics flow quite well. The app does help and opens up more potential for cool combinations. The game is also open to easier updates for rules and FAQ’s.

For more information about X-Wing 2.0, including the expansions, core sets, and conversion kits, check out Fantasy Flight Games website. For the entire review on X-Wing 2.0, including a quick rules overview, be sure to watch the video below!