eBay Miniature Rescues Contrast VS Airbrush Showdown

By Andrew Schrank | February 25th, 2020 | Categories: Airbrushing, How To Tutorial, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

airbrush vs contrasteBay Miniature Rescues wants to spruce up some old models with contrast vs airbrush to see how it will turn out for painting their army!

eBay Miniature Rescues is known for his, well, miniature rescues! However, he is no stranger to all things hobbies. Whether it is making conversions, testing paint techniques, or like today, trying out contrast vs airbrush on some of his old models!

eBay Miniature Rescues Contrast VS Airbrush Showdown

airbrush eldarHe chooses an Eldar model primed white then sprays Citadel Screamer Pink as a sort of prep for the next layer on some areas. This is mainly in shadowy areas as a sort of reverse highlight. Then he goes over the whole model with VGA Gold Yellow.

After this, he takes some of the Citadel Contrast Iyanden Yellow and uses it as a glaze on the model over the brown-orange areas. Next, he uses Citadel Flash Gitz Yellow as a top-down highlight.

Citadel Caledor Sky is the first paint he uses on the helmet. He uses Citadel Lothern Blue as a highlight, followed by Citadel Grey Seer for the faceplate.


Contrast eldarNow he begins the contrast method, to test the quality and speed factor of getting his models battle ready! After the model is primed white, he uses Citadel Contrast Iyanden Yellow over the whole model, excluding the helmet, but not the faceplate. Then he uses Citadel Ushabti Bone as a quick edge highlight on the armor. Citadel Contrast Talassar Blue goes on the helmet, however, it will be slightly lighter than our target. He uses Citadel Contrast Ultramarines Blue in the shadows of the helmet.

Coming in with Citadel Yriel Yellow, he covers up some of the unintentional stainings fro the contrast paint. He then uses Citadel Grey Seer to go over any details he may have gotten extra contrast on, like the gun, then goes over the pipes and gun with Citadel Contrast Black Templar. He uses Citadel Contrast Talassar Blue on the other details like the gemstones

sidebyside eldarTime for the big reveal! The Contrast model took a solid 15 min, while the Airbrush model took about an hour and a half! Certainly quality may be a factor in this, especially on the helmet.

To get the best balance, you should contrast the body and airbrush the helmet. At least, that’s what he chose to do with the rest of his army!

Watch the full video below, and be sure to follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!