eBay Miniature Rescues Paints a Deodorant Stick Tank

By Andrew Schrank | March 10th, 2020 | Categories: Videos, Warhammer 40k News

deodorant stick skimmer warhammer 40k tank warhammer 40keBay Miniature Rescue is painting a Deodorant Stick 40k Tank! Check out this built from scratch challenge collab with Goobertown Hobbies!

eBay Miniature Rescues normally gets old and beaten up models from viewers and fixes them up, paints them and documents the whole process! The videos are always informative and usually touch on techniques as well. This time he is tackling a challenge to make a tank out of a stick of deodorant and some bits!

Follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!

bits for deo speederAfter he finds all the bits he wants to use on his tank he glues them all on and it really starts to take the shape of a Nurgle machination.

Deodorant Stick 40k Tank

Speeder primedFollowing gluing on bits he does some freehand green stuff to give it some more character and primes the whole thing grey.

doved and greenedBegining the painting process we take Vallejo Dark Green and base the whole model. After that, use Burnt Umber to get the bottom half looking a little bit dirtier from the groud. In the same vein, take Citadel Skrag Brown and highlight the edges on the previously burnt umber dirt. Citadel Fire Dragon Bright is another color used to highlight this area. At this point, coat the model in dove hair spray and re-apply the original Vallejo Dark Green over the whole model.

If you aren’t familiar, this is a chipping technique so we can come back later with a stiff brush and some water and get some unique chipping effects.

green afNext up we will build up the green using VGA Escorpena Green along the edges. Follow this same pattern with a coat of VGA Moon Yellow.

damageUsing VGA Dead Flesh he covers the marine and the fleshy parts of green stuff from the assembly. At this point take a stiff brush with a little bit of water and scrape some of the paint off to get some really unique weathering.

spotsAt this point grab some AK Interactive Streaking Grime and likely spot/speckle the models hull, use some Mineral spirits over it to push it around and get a nice worn down and rusty look.

rustedVallejo Dark Aluminum is used on all the metal parts. After that is dried use some Testors Black Enamel Stain as a sort of wash over the metal areas. Scale 75 Harvester Flesh should then be applied to the tentacle or fleshy bits. Scale 75 Abuckles Brown can be mixed with the Harvester Flesh and then used as a highlight creating a pinkish tone.

Use some Citadel Contrast Guilliman Flesh over those same areas to tint them. Vallejo Rust Wash is perfect here on the metals and Vallejo Copper for the trim of the marine to really help solidify the Nurgle feel.

engienDrybrush Citadel Nurgling Green and Scale 75 Harvester Flesh on the Nurglings around the tank and on the marine. Using Citadel Mephiston Red, Citadel Fire Dragon Bright, VGA Moon Yellowand some white, in that order to finish the thrusters.

tank done

With that, the Tank/Speeder is done!

Watch the full video below, and be sure to follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!