Edge Highlighting Miniatures For Beginners

If you are hesitant to try edge highlighting your miniatures, learn from the best at Next Level Painting on how it can secretly be easy. Get ready to paint!

Next Level Painting is bringing you another icy painting tutorial! This time we’re focusing on a technique that’s overlooked due to its perceived difficulty. We’ll show you the ancient techniques of how you can master the art of edge highlighting.

Let’s get to it, playas!

Edge Highlighting is Secretly Easy

To begin with, this model was painted with sick paint transitions from another video. Be sure to check out the Next Level Twitch channel for more.

Edge highlighting techniques are very simple: use the flat edge of your paint brush. Drag your paintbrush along the 90-degree angles of your miniature, using the flat edge technique. You are trying to minimize the amount of freehand painting you need to use. Using the edge of your paintbrush to add a highlight is essentially tracing.

Edge Highlighting is Secretly Easy

We are trying to find the right angles while edge highlighting. Use your pinky finger and hands to brace and stabilize your model. Straight lines are a big deal when it comes to making your models looking fresh. Light brush pressure is key. When you find a spot to highlight that doesn’t have a broad edge, use the very tip of your brush. Drag your brush towards your chest and heart, getting a nice highlight.

Edge Highlighting is Secretly Easy

Use that pinky finger to gain purchase when you are getting your edging. Stabilizing your model will help keep you from painting fat lines which can look sloppy.

Edge Highlighting is Secretly Easy

Keep your brush pressure light and your edge highlights will look super tight.  Press play on the video below to see it in real time!