Enhance Models with the Latest 3D Bits: REVIEW

By Drago | February 7th, 2018 | Categories: 40k News & Articles, Hobby Products, Unboxing, Videos

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Come see the newest 3D Icons and upgrade bit sets for Primaris / regular Space Marines, and vehicles from Pop Goes the Monkey!

Adding custom bits and details to miniatures makes them pop even more, especially with 3D insignias and unique backpacks.

Pop Goes the Monkey has over 1000 items for upgrade options, including weapons, shoulder pads, shields, and insignias. You can get large sets of vehicle insignias for around $20, and for a bit more you can do the same for shoulder pad insignias. Be sure to scroll down and press play on the video below to see them in action, as well as other fantastic options.

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The shoulder pad options fit ETB Aggressors, Primaris, and “normal marines’ in power armor, gluing nicely on the model. The weapons and backpacks also fit marines as well. For vehicles, you can get vertical launch options for the top of a Rhino, either with missiles sticking out or closed.

There are also doors and other options available for vehicle upgrades as well, including turrets! Each feature on the site should have a 3D option where you can see how it will come on sprue. New options are always being added in the future, so keep an eye or contact them via Facebook to see what is in the works and how custom designs can be done!

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Cleaning-wise, these need to be washed with soap and water prior to use. There may be minor cleanup to smooth down any remaining print lines. The easiest way is to get foam block, alligator clips to suspend the models, and spray lightly with acetone in a well-ventilated area. Be sure it is well ventilated, as acetone can hurt your lungs! Do not inhale! Wash hands after! Let it dry, spray again if needed, but only do a little because you don’t want to melt anything other than the print lines. Otherwise, overall, the parts are ready to go!

For all the different options, check out Pop Goes the Monkey on Shapeways and Facebook. Be sure to check out the entire review by pressing play on the video below!

About the Author: Drago