First Look Unboxing – Imperial Knight Kit

By Rob Baer | March 2nd, 2014 | Categories: Imperial Knights, Product Review, Videos

Does the new Imperial Knight model live up to all the hype? Checkout my first look review below and decided for yourself!

The kit itself comes in the medium “tank” sized box, in three large sprues (which are about six of normal size kit “tactical sized” sprues).
It seems clear from the directions down to the components themselves, that this kit was completely computer engineered.

Personally I’m unsure if such a kit would be financially possible to undertake such a project without the use of computers at all.

Regardless most of the kit goes together fairly well, although now-a-days I ALWAYS read the directions first, as the new stuff seem to be very particular about how it is supposed to go together. 
You can see from the shot below how this model stacks up size-wise to existing models.  

Checkout my video below for the full details on this amazing new kit, that has everyone talking!

And if you’re wondering on how to play the Knight, you may want to read our new Knight Tactics article from Friday as well. – Enjoy MBG